Insights on racial and ethnic health inequity in the context of COVID-19

| Artigo

For more related insights, visit the Center for Societal Benefit through Healthcare’s webpage.

This article was written in collaboration with Erica Coe, Kana Enomoto, Alex Mandel, Seema Parmar, and Samuel Yamoah.

The disproportionate impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on communities of color and vulnerable populations is well documented, and has put a necessary spotlight on longstanding racial and ethnic inequity in health and healthcare. In this infographic, we bring attention to factors that contribute to health inequity in COVID-19 outcomes and beyond. These include socioeconomic factors and racism, which in turn affect clinical health, access to care, and quality and experience for Black and Hispanic/Latinx Americans, among other racial and ethnic groups. Insights are drawn from the McKinsey Center for Societal Benefit through Healthcare Vulnerable Populations Dashboard, McKinsey COVID-19 Consumer Insights Surveys, and publicly available data and academic research on COVID-19 and health equity. This publication builds on prior publications: COVID-19: Investing in black lives and livelihoods and Insights on physical health and behavioral health vulnerability.

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